Reasonably Subversive and/or Entertaining Books Recommended by Prof. Schlaf
… to be added on to as time goes by !
… and always worth checking out: The USMC Commandant’s Reading List
Auf Deutsch
Romane etc. | Sachbücher |
Alles von Peter Bamm | Kulturgeschichte der Neuzeit von Egon Friedell |
Alles von Siegfried Lenz | Der Untergang des Abendlandes von Oswald Spengler |
Alles von Frank Schätzing |
Some Youtube Videos that go way beyond cute cats and could/should be part of a complete Western education:
Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation (this is the first part – there are 12 more – follow the links !)
… his closing remarks:
“Western civilisation has been a series of re-births. Surely this should give us confidence in ourselves. It is lack of confidence more than anything else that kills a civilisation.”
… and also with a more technical & scientific slant: James Burke’s Connections